Howl Grants are for those with ideas. Those who want to hold the line and fight for something they believe in. Those who aren't afraid to howl in the night.

We don't care about your education, financial status, location, cool factor, or number of followers. If you have an idea, a plan, and grit then we want you to apply and we want to support you.

We don't have sponsors, endorsements, pitch events, public voting, social share contests, investors, or reporting requirements. Nothing. Submit your application. We review it. You'll hear back if we can help fund you. No strings attached.

Howl Grants do not need to be paid back and funding is provided 100% upfront in the method that is best for the applicant (cash, crypto, bank tranfers, etc). This is not equity funding and we don't want any ownership over your work or ideas.

The funding tiers represent our desire to support applicants across a spectrum of economic levels, situations, and project scales. We recognize that a smaller grants can go a long way in many communities and regions. As such we currently have 14 grants ranging between $1,000 - $2,500 (in USD).

We will strive to offer inkind support in addition to the microgrant funding when possible. This could be in the form of mentorships, training, resources, or procurement. If we can support you outside of funding, we'll let you know.

Things we like

  1. Applicants with a record of having completed other projects in the past.

  2. Applicants with a track record of documentation of their past works, projects, or experiments.

  3. Applicants that are willing/able to publicly share their progress and work (not required, but it's a big plus).

  4. Applicants that can commit to providing updates every 2-3 weeks to us on their project/progress.

  5. Applicants who are working on projects that will directly impact their local surroundings and communities.

Examples of grants that could be funded

  • Free Virtual/recorded workshops teaching critical or valuable skills

  • Running local hackathons/workshops for your community

  • Projects in conflict zones/crisis regions to provide emergency infrastructure or support displaced peoples

  • Activism projects to assist in mobilizing, coordinating, or bringing technology tools to local movements

  • Journalism and government accountability projects disclosing corruption or providing transparency to cash flow, funding, and lobbying

  • Open source technology development, distribution, and education

  • Cybersecurity and digital privacy projects or contributions to existing projects

  • Public health, health accessibility, and health education projects

  • Resource management & distribution, local transportation, and construction projects in regions where key infrastructure is lacking

  • Energy generation, storage, and distribution projects where stable/continuous energy is not available

  • Water & sanitation projects where clean water and sewage infratsructure is not present

  • Food creation and food security projects to promote community independance and self-sufficiency

  • Literacy-promoting projects in communities with lack of educational resources


The 2023 round of Howl Grants have a total grant pool of $20,000 USD.

The grants are broken up into 10x (ten) grants of $1,000 USD and 4x (four) grants of $2,500 USD.


Application Status & Deadlines

Current Application Status: OPEN

Applications closes on: March 31st, 2023 @ 11:59pm Eastern time (Toronto)

Funding Announcements & Applicant Notifcations: May 1st, 2023

Rules & Eligibility

  1. No more than 1 application per person, group, or organization

  2. Applications may be submitted by self-organized groups, collectives, formal organizations, or individuals

  3. You do not need to identify yourself legally during the application process. You may use your real name or a pseudonym. To reduce scam and spam submissions, applications submitted with pseudonyms will be reviewed more stringently and should have more supporting past works and proposed impact.

  4. We want to have conversations with chosen applicants before funding, preferably audio or video calls where possible. To reduce scam and spam submissions, applicants that choose to only communicate via email or text chat will have their applications reviewed more stringently and should have more supporting past works and proposed impact.

  5. You can be located anywhere in the world, there are no region restrictions for applicants or projects.

  6. Ideas not chosen for funding can be submitted in the future for reconsideration. If you didn't get feedback to specifically submit the same project in the future, we would recommend iterating on your idea before resubmitting.

  7. We have full discretion over allocation, distribution, and revokation of grants.

  8. We may remove or ignore any application at our discretion.


If you have any questions during the application process, please read the FAQ first. If your question isn't answered there, you can reach us on Twitter.


Click the button below to fill out the application form. If the form submits successfully, your application has been received and you will be contacted if your project is chosen for funding.

If you have trouble filling in the application form, you can contact us for alternate application methods.

Apply Here


Any federal, state, or local taxes will be the responsibility of the applicant.

By participating in the microgrant program, all entrants and grantees agree to release and hold harmless Gods Or Devils Organization from any and all liability, for loss, harm, damage, injury, cost or expense whatsoever including without limitation, property damage or injury which may occur in connection with participation in the microgrant program, for any claims based on third party rights in the entry or arising out of the use of the entry as allowed by these rules including, but not limited to publicity rights, defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, trademark infringement or any other intellectual property-related cause of action.

Any attempted entry other than as set forth above is prohibited; no automatic, programmed, robotic or similar means of entry are permitted.

A list of winners will be posted at godsordevils.org following each round of the microgrant program.


  1. How are projects chosen?
  2. Applications are reviewed by us and our collaborators. We decide which projects we think will have the most impact, will do the most good, and have a chance of succeeding. That's it.

  3. How can I best describe myself?
  4. Keep it simple and to the point. Where do you come from and what do you do? What are you interested in? What are your skills and abilities? Is there relevant experience you bring to your project? Do you have past successes which support your chance to be successful with this idea? Be real about yourself, we don't expect you to be perfect.

  5. How should I best describe my proposal and it's impact?
  6. It should be simple, concise, and well thought out. What problem are you trying to solve? Explain your solution to the problem. How is it different than what exists already? What are possible road blocks? What are the chances of it not working or failing? What is the impact of it succeeding? How long will it take to make an impact? Is it transferable to other places? Can the work sustain itself in the mid or long term?

  7. How can I donate to the granting pool?
  8. Contact us on Twitter or contact us via email / Signal and we can discuss.

  9. Can I apply from anywhere?
  10. Yes, we'll get you the funds/resources regardless of where you are.

  11. What are some examples of projects that won't be funded?
  12. Funding that would be used to primarily advance a for-profit corporation and its products OR projects that further the applicant more than others.

  13. Can I apply with an existing/ongoing project/initiative?
  14. Yes.

  15. How can I get updates on this project?
  16. Follow us on twitter

  17. I have a question about applying for a grant. How can I get in touch?
  18. You can ask us further questions on Twitter or contact us via email or Signal

  19. How can I use the grant funding?
  20. You can use it however you want in order to progress your project. You are given 100% of the cash upfront. At the request of the applicant, we can assist in procuring project resources where possible.